I Am New

New Here? - Welcome!

We are an intercultural congregation and a sister church of Black Rock Congregational church. Majority of us are Asian Americans and of other nationalities that worship and serve together in the name of Jesus Christ. Our aim is to grow spiritually in the knowledge of faith, hope and Love (1 Corinthians 13:13).

We understand it can take a few visits to "feel at home" in a new environment, but a loving church family, led by a dedicated team will welcome you. When you are an active part of a church with an atmosphere of love, forgiveness and acceptance, you will grow into all God intends you to be. We invite you to attend our service and discover if this is the church God is leading you to become a part of.

  • >>Photos of our church in Facebook
  • >>Photos of youth and young adult on the Instagram
  • 1St Sunday Service @ 10AM

    Bilingual, in English and Khmer. Mostly Khmer songs.

    2nd Service @ 11:30 AM

    In English, mixed and young worshipers and contemporary.

    Sunday School (10 AM and 11:40 AM)

    We have Sunday school for all ages, between services.